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Congratulations to The Community Advocate for winning the MRCC Small Business of the Year award! At Ardent Staffing Solutions, we understand the value of community and recognize the incredible work you do. We’re proud to stand alongside such dedicated companies, driving positive change together. Here’s to your continued success!

Congratulations to The Community Advocate for winning the MRCC Small Business of the Year award! At Ardent Staffing Solutions, we understand the value of community and recognize the incredible work you do. We’re proud to stand alongside such dedicated companies,...

Celebrating Success Together: The Ardent Staffing Solutions team at the MRCC annual awards dinner, toasting to another year of excellence and teamwork. Here’s to many more milestones ahead!

Celebrating Success Together: The Ardent Staffing Solutions team at the MRCC annual awards dinner, toasting to another year of excellence and teamwork. Here’s to many more milestones ahead! #ardentblog #ourpassionispeople #humbledandgrateful #awardsnight2024...

Tonight's the night! Ardent Staffing Team is excited to participate in the festivities at the Marlborough Regional Camber of Commerce Annual Awards Dinner! Win or lose, we will celebrate as a team and enjoy the simple fact that someone out there recognized the work we do. Ardent is a special place!

Tonight's the night! Ardent Staffing Team is excited to participate in the festivities at the Marlborough Regional Camber of Commerce Annual Awards Dinner! Win or lose, we will celebrate as a team and enjoy the simple fact that someone out there recognized the work we...

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