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Today is national beer day and a great day to find a new job. Call Ardent Staffing Solutions today and put our passion to work for you in your job search. Check out our available openings at Apply online or call us to get started today! (508)530-7212 Central MA (413)266-9488 Western MA #getamericabacktowork #ardentstaffing #ourpassionispeople #workwiththebest #nowhiring #hireardent #newjob #manufacturing #adminjobs #itjobs #medicalassistantjobs #hospitalityjobs #bankingjobs #customerservicejobs #ourpassionispeople

Today is national beer day and a great day to find a new job. Call Ardent Staffing Solutions today and put our passion to work for you in your job search. Check out our available openings at Apply online or call us to get started today! (508)530-7212 Central MA (413)266-9488 Western MA #getamericabacktowork #ardentstaffing #ourpassionispeople #workwiththebest #nowhiring #hireardent #newjob #manufacturing #adminjobs #itjobs #medicalassistantjobs #hospitalityjobs #bankingjobs #customerservicejobs #ourpassionispeople

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